Getting Close...


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
I am getting very close to actually being able to set my tank up and was hoping someone could just double check I haven't missed anything...

Equipment I have bought so far:

24G Cube (finished and delivering next week)
10G Sump (finished and delivering next week)
Red Sea Protein Skimmer
Air Pump to power skimmer
Hydrometer (not a refractomer but I may upgrade in the future)
Rotating Powerhead
Sump Pump
Instant Ocean (6.5KG)
Rowa Phos
RO Unit
Heater for sump
Heater for water changes

Still to buy:

Sand - Once tank is delivered
Live Rock - Once tank is delivered
Something for the tank to sit on (...some fairly major disagreements with GF on the this front :grr: )
Tank cleaner

The only other thing things that I can think of are some additional filter media to sit in the sump and maybe some test kits. I currently use API liquid test kits for my FW tank, so I have Amonia / Nitrite / Nitrate / pH covered, do I need to worry about Calium / Magnesium tests in the early stages?

Oh I need hoods for both the tank and the sump still, been very lazy about this... :*)

Probable Stocking:

Cleanup crew
Cleaner Shrimp
Ocellaris Clown
Royal Gramma
Sixline Wrasse
Neon Goby
Firefish of some sort
You've spent all this time and money...don't sell yourself short...get a refractometer. They are $40 on Drs. Foster and Smith.

I would buy an Alkalinity and Calcium test kit. Although they are not important immediately, you may as well get used to using it and understand which direction your tank is going.

I'd add ChemiPure to your filter media.

I second a digital camera.


Gravel vac or siphon.

Thermomenter / Gravel Vac are taken care of.

Chemi Pure doesn't seem to be available in the UK, does this look a good alternative?

Will have a look on eBay for a refractometer and will add the test kits to an order I will be placing later today for some bits and pieces for my FW tank.
You looks OK..however, ChemiPure is puportedly a resin with a little carbon in it. That's why I use it. I don't know if there is an equivalent in the might ask Navarre. Is it too expensive to ship over there? SH
Tank / Sump / Digital Camera should all arrive tomorrow!

Unfortunately I'm going on holiday (well not really the end of the world, in fact I'm really looking forward to it, but it slows thingas down) for a week in Prague (-10C!!!) at the beginning of feb, so nothing can really start until I get back.
Also... Kent Marine make an Adsorption Resin which I think is probably closer to Chemi Pure than the product I spotted before, so will go with a tub of that instead.

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