Fish Gatherer
I am getting very close to actually being able to set my tank up and was hoping someone could just double check I haven't missed anything...
Equipment I have bought so far:
24G Cube (finished and delivering next week)
10G Sump (finished and delivering next week)
Red Sea Protein Skimmer
Air Pump to power skimmer
Hydrometer (not a refractomer but I may upgrade in the future)
Rotating Powerhead
Sump Pump
Instant Ocean (6.5KG)
Rowa Phos
RO Unit
Heater for sump
Heater for water changes
Still to buy:
Sand - Once tank is delivered
Live Rock - Once tank is delivered
Something for the tank to sit on (...some fairly major disagreements with GF on the this front )
Tank cleaner
The only other thing things that I can think of are some additional filter media to sit in the sump and maybe some test kits. I currently use API liquid test kits for my FW tank, so I have Amonia / Nitrite / Nitrate / pH covered, do I need to worry about Calium / Magnesium tests in the early stages?
Oh I need hoods for both the tank and the sump still, been very lazy about this... )
Probable Stocking:
Cleanup crew
Cleaner Shrimp
Ocellaris Clown
Royal Gramma
Sixline Wrasse
Neon Goby
Firefish of some sort
Equipment I have bought so far:
24G Cube (finished and delivering next week)
10G Sump (finished and delivering next week)
Red Sea Protein Skimmer
Air Pump to power skimmer
Hydrometer (not a refractomer but I may upgrade in the future)
Rotating Powerhead
Sump Pump
Instant Ocean (6.5KG)
Rowa Phos
RO Unit
Heater for sump
Heater for water changes
Still to buy:
Sand - Once tank is delivered
Live Rock - Once tank is delivered
Something for the tank to sit on (...some fairly major disagreements with GF on the this front )
Tank cleaner
The only other thing things that I can think of are some additional filter media to sit in the sump and maybe some test kits. I currently use API liquid test kits for my FW tank, so I have Amonia / Nitrite / Nitrate / pH covered, do I need to worry about Calium / Magnesium tests in the early stages?
Oh I need hoods for both the tank and the sump still, been very lazy about this... )
Probable Stocking:
Cleanup crew
Cleaner Shrimp
Ocellaris Clown
Royal Gramma
Sixline Wrasse
Neon Goby
Firefish of some sort