Getting Back Into The Hobby,

Steve Adams

New Member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Grand falls, Newfoundland, Canada
Well,  I have been out of the fish keeping hobby for some time,  with my son being born, and having autism we had to take care of the family first. Family is always number one.  So now my son is doing great,  my family is relaxed and moving into a new home.  We have the space in our family room downstairs for a 78x24x29 210 gallon tank.  I am ordering it as soon as we get back from Florida.  This will be a planted community tank.  
I want to use LED lighting for this setup.  and I was looking at one system on youtube that has various features and settings.  will this produce enough light for the plants?  
I am going to be running 2 cansiter filters for filtration.  each one for 200 gallons.  You can never have enough filtration.  I am going to install a UV sterilizer as well.  
Anything else that will be needed for equipment hardware?
i will be using sand subtrate, various peices of rock and wood with a good amount of plants.
sounds like such a nice tank---210 gallons wow.   What fish are you considering for the tank?   Post pics in the aquarium journal forum as the work on the tank progresses.  
i will be keeping discus, angel fish, different groups of schooling fish like tetras and rainbows, some bottom feeders like corys a couple of gouramis, a couple of smaller plecos and some invertibrates.
Oh,  left out some rams and cockatoos.  
i will keep a journal here for sure.  Moving into the new house in late may - june.  can't wait.  

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