Getting Apistos

Feb 15, 2005
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I'm clearing several fish out of my 26 gallon and moving some others to my 55 gallon,and after that all the tank will have is a rare loach sinobotia pulchra and 3 corydoras.I want to add apistos to get breeding experience so I can reach my goal of breeding and successfully raising clown loaches.How do you breed apistos,and how do you find pairs?
Hi there,

Breeding apisto's isn't that bad, if you have the right water conditions and environment for them :)

For wild fish, you're looking at soft water and acid pH (in both cases the lower the better). Sexing apisto's is relatively easy with adult fish as most species are sexually dichromatic.

As to sourcing them, without a location it will be difficult to advise!!


edit > meant to add that with the cories and loaches in the tank, eggs will probably be eaten by these guys before anything happens.
Nice to be ambitious, but there are almost no verified instances of clowns breeding in captivity. There is a report of one such instance on
To expand on woods reply somewhat

For wild fish, you're looking at soft water and acid pH (in both cases the lower the better).
True to a degree, this mainly depends on A) where collected and B) Species, eg. its not unusual to find cacatuoides in a ph of 7 or more (original water of wild collected). So basically the story here is i) research your inteaded fish, ii) more importently if possible get a good idea of water conditions your purchased fish was in.

edit > meant to add that with the cories and loaches in the tank, eggs will probably be eaten by these guys before anything happens
Agree, though since apisto's are cave spawners (well thats the intention, and fish do like to buck the trend :lol: ) you maybe able to have them spawn in a cave with an entrence small enough the clowns and cories cant enter, this doesn't help the fry stage however :( .

for my 2c I'd go with say a cacatuoide first then try a harder species of apisto.

How do you breed apistos,and how do you find pairs
apistos in general are polygamous so 1m 2-3f is a good ratio, A. nijesseni is a notable exception they prefer pairs but on occasion are harem brooders.


PS @ TwoTankAmin
Nice to be ambitious, but there are almost no verified instances of clowns breeding in captivity. There is a report of one such instance on
ambition is nice. I'm waiting for my male RTBS to mature enough then I intend to try breeding them (RTBS that is), hopefully will be lucky as I have been able to source a 1960's article on breeding them in cabtivity.

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