Getting A Plec!


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, UK
Advice on getting a plec?

He's 2nd hand and needs a new home (my tank isn't the ideal size for him, but it's about 3 times bigger than his current one, so I'm doing him a favour by taking him on).

I have a community tank, what do i need to do to make him feel welcome?
I have a gravel base, with quite a few plants.
I have a piece of some sort of wood (mopani i think) but it makes the tank horribly orange nevermind how much I wash/boil it! They need wood though don't they?

Thanks for any tips!
What kind of pleco is it? Is it in this tank that is in your sig? Some tips from me since I have a common pleco

1. have a strong current (they like it)
2. give him 1 algae wafer a day
3. if he is in your 20g preform weekly 30% water changes until you can rehome him
4. have hiding places (wood like you already have and plants like you also have

Are they fake plants or real plants? Because if they are real and depending on what type of pleco it is he would eat ALL your plants if there real. Where did you get him from a lps or a friend? Also what size tank was he in before?
What kind of pleco is it? Common I think. About 6/7 inches long.

Is it in this tank that is in your sig? That's where it will be going.

Are they fake plants or real plants? Real but I like them :( Will he eat them all?

Where did you get him from a lps or a friend? From a friend who needs to get rid of his tank and a few fish. There were a few other little fish which I've taken on as well (only 3), and he is the last one left.

Also what size tank was he in before? Probably an 8g! That's why my tank should seem lovely for him! :)

I have half a drainpipe he will be able to hide in. Do I need wood as well? I hear they need the enzymes to digest their food.
20gals is not big enough for a common plec, although you are doing him a big favor by taking him on into a bigger tank, your tank is already too small for a common plec. They need at least 50gals with lots of surface area, and thats still a tad on the small side. Are you thinking of upgrading your tank soon? If your guppys are adults then your tank is already overstocked without the plec, and you will need a bigger tank if you plan to keep the plec for the rest of his life(which could be 20yrs+).
Other than that, make sure you have test kits for ammonia, nitrates and nitrites because plecs are big waste producers and your tank is already very stocked and adding him could be too much for your filter to handle so make sure you test your water regualy and do regular water changes with dechlorinator.
Common plecs also need meat in their diet as they grow, you should try to feed your plec a prawn or small peice of fish meat(raw) once a week and do a water change the day after you have fed the prawn as so to prevent water quality issues from the high protein food.
Also provide a large cave/retreat area where the plec can rest during the day out of the glare of the tank lights as common plecs are largely nocturnal, bogwood is also beneficial to all plecs as the tanins(the stuff that makes the water go tea colored if you don't pre soak the wood enough) have anti bacterial qualitys in them good for plecs.
Common plecs do not destroy plants although they will eat ones that have algae on them or are going rotton, what they can do though is accidentially pull up plants when patrolling the tank so make sure any live plants you have are securely rooted and there are open areas in the tank where the plec can swim in untroubled by things in its way. Cucumber is also a healthy alternative to algae wafers as it contains alot of vitamin C and you can feed your plec this also if you like, don't give it more than it can eat though as rotting food makes an ideal home for fish deseases like columnaris to grow and fester in and food does not take long to go bad in fish tank water remember.
Yeah you'll notice that he will knock the plants out of the gravel because mine does that and at least once a week I have to bury them back in the gravel.

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