Getting A New Tank


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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As some of you will know i curretnly have a 100 gallon marine reef. Well, my dad has decided to buy another marine tank.
This tank is about 115 gallons with a sump, skimmer, uv and lighting.
We want to set it up as a preditor tank so here is the question.
What preditory fish woul you stock it with ?
We would like to have a snowflake moray eel, a lion fish and some triggers.
So, what do you think we should stock with ?
Sounds like a good bunch of suggestions you've come up with alread :)
Although, i did see in one of my fish books, a dragon moray eel and a zebra moray and they look cool too so i think the eel choice my take some time.
If i went with my original stocking i think it would be like this
-1 snoflake moray eel
-1 piccaso trigger
-1 bursa triggerfish
-1 blue chin trigger / 1 pinktail trigger
-1 crosshatch trigger / 1 sargassum trigger
-1 volitans lionfish

I think that with the tank being 115 gallons and a 20 gallon sump i might be able to have 1 more large fish in there. For now I will keep it at that and if i decide on another fish i might go for a harlequin tusk becuase i think they look really cool or maybe one of the larger angels.
Sump's a little small for the size of tank, might wanna go up to 30-40 gallons for the sump tank if you can ;). I've got a 20 under my 65 and it seems a little small...
20g is just a rough guess. Im not 100% sure on the exact tank dimension yet but when i have it i will tell you.

Any problems anyone can see as far as stocking or does it all seem ok ?
what u need my friend is a puffer
like a porcupine or a spiny box
so much fun
had one swim right up to me in cuba and he followed meeverywhere lol :D
My dad has had a change of plan. He dosnt want to do think tank as marine so we are going to have it has a freshwater tank with 2-3 big fish in it.

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