Had some good news this morning and want to share...... The postman brought me a letter from the inland revenue and I normally hate letters from goverment departments as its normally me having to pay them more money, but this time they say I am entitled to a repayment of £703. I have been wanting to get an NDaquatics tank made from when I first got my juwel vision 180. The IR said they have issued a cheque so im hoping that it will arrive soon and they dont write back and say its a mistake.
Why dont they send the cheque with the letter, still as long as it arrives im happy and my new year resolution of getting a new tank will work out.
Will have a few questions to ask about lighting and other things once I have confirmed my size of tank, It wont be a giant as the mrs will not get rid of the display cabinet in the living room.
sorry for the pointless thread but im happy happy happy and wanted others to know.
Why dont they send the cheque with the letter, still as long as it arrives im happy and my new year resolution of getting a new tank will work out.
Will have a few questions to ask about lighting and other things once I have confirmed my size of tank, It wont be a giant as the mrs will not get rid of the display cabinet in the living room.
sorry for the pointless thread but im happy happy happy and wanted others to know.