Fish Addict
my stocking so far is..............
3 x peppered catfish / corys
2 x clown plecos
1 x golden nugget pleco ( smaller spotted )
i have already paid for my female bn as she is soo nice! she's about 5 inches long so pretty much fully grown. she is in the same tank my gn came out of so hopefully they will get along fine. my gn isnt ill tempered, actually she's pretty laid back. my clowns however have turned into little monsters! well since the move to the 4ft tank!? one is lighter than the other, te lighter one hunts my other clown pleco down and now hs started bashing into my gn, the gn just sits there like nothing happened then after a few more attempts by the clown, she head butts he darts off, then 20 mins later he's back to steal her cave, or spot under the silly clown!
anyway, hopefully adding another bigger plec will calm his butt down, if not il put him back in the 2ft tank with some leopard corys and no other pleco's.
i also bought alot more wood for the tank and at £6 a kilo it wasent cheap. £30 for some wood seems like madness but its for my plecos so it kinda dosent matter so much
i also treated them to some brine shrimp cubes and tasty algea wafers so now i have 5 different foods to feed them, thats not including the 4 different veg i feed on alternate days.
i will post pics of all my pleco's tomorrow evening
3 x peppered catfish / corys
2 x clown plecos
1 x golden nugget pleco ( smaller spotted )
i have already paid for my female bn as she is soo nice! she's about 5 inches long so pretty much fully grown. she is in the same tank my gn came out of so hopefully they will get along fine. my gn isnt ill tempered, actually she's pretty laid back. my clowns however have turned into little monsters! well since the move to the 4ft tank!? one is lighter than the other, te lighter one hunts my other clown pleco down and now hs started bashing into my gn, the gn just sits there like nothing happened then after a few more attempts by the clown, she head butts he darts off, then 20 mins later he's back to steal her cave, or spot under the silly clown!
anyway, hopefully adding another bigger plec will calm his butt down, if not il put him back in the 2ft tank with some leopard corys and no other pleco's.
i also bought alot more wood for the tank and at £6 a kilo it wasent cheap. £30 for some wood seems like madness but its for my plecos so it kinda dosent matter so much
i will post pics of all my pleco's tomorrow evening