Getting A Dwarf Puffer


Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Dec 2, 2006
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My beloved crowntail fighter vink passed away this week from olda age :rip: So i have a 3 uk gallon spair (probs 5 gal US?)
The tank originally didnt have a filter or a heater, as the tank was constantly maintained at 23 degrees celcius so ive put my spair unopened filter in with a heater from oen of my other betta tanks. THeres gravel in there and its all running at the moment.
SO its all running at the moment and ill get some plants and stuff at work 2moz.
I get live foods for free so live brine shrimp, bloodworm and the rest aint a problem. I always have frozen stuff in the fridge incase i forget to bring home some live.
By the way ill only be getting the one. So is there anything else i need to take caution of or need to knwo? ANy probs you've had wiht yours?
yeah, you want to try and get it between 24-28

they need hard pH also so i used coral sand and pieces to counter the wood in my tank(which reduces the pH) and i have lots of plants

shame your so far away mate or you could have had one of my DPs for nothing as i overstocked my tank mistankingly thinking a few may pass away on the journey home.....

also, i have fed mine from the off on frozen bloodworm, and they love it, and dont have any problems at all when fed the odd bag of live, they go straight back to frozen

cracking little fish they are
Okay i got it today! :yahoo: I think the filter currents a lil strong for him so ive tried to put the plants anf marimo moss ball in front of it. SO its fine high above the tank and towards the front bottom of the tank but when he goes near the filter he gets swished away! What can i do!
I put soem lil river shrimp in but he doesnt seem to have eaten them but that could be that hes full from being fed brine shrimp at the lfs
What other things do you feed yours? Ill be feeding it live and frozen brine shrimp, frozen fine cockle and bloodworm(live + frozen)
Can i see your setups too? :D
dont overfeed it, DPs will eat until you stop feeding them, so dont overfeed them or they will get constipated

i wouldnt reccomend putting anything live in the tank with them as they will just keep eating it, which will end up with problems stated above

these fellas dont like tank mates, ive read they dont hassle ottos, but i wouldnt gamble on it in the slightest, just keep them on there own and feed them food a few times a day(at least twice)

bit like a human, small portions a few times a day are beneficial for dwarf puffers
Ive managed to slow down the filter current by putting a piece of lava rock in front of it
He's great! Swimming round and stuff, real fun to watch!
lol, well i hope the little fella works out for you. they are really interesting, intellegent fish and just full of personality.

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