Getting a crowntail tomorrow!


Fish Addict
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
DeRidder, LA
I came to this forum a few days ago to ask a question for my mom about her bettas, and after looking at all the beautiful pictures of all of your bettas...I'm itching for a crown tail. I talked to a girl in one of my classes today who is really into bettas and she told me that there's a place here in Savannah that gets a shipment of really nice crowns in every thursday. So, tomorrow when I get out of my noon class, I'm headed straight to buy one! I went and bought a tank and plants and rocks and stuff for him today and I'm about to set it up right after I clean my fry (guppies, mollie and platies) tank. I'm so excited about the crown! I'm so excited that I just had to post to tell everyone about it! If anyone has any advice, I'm all for it. So excited!
BrookeLea said:
so excited that I just had to post to tell everyone about it! If anyone has any advice, I'm all for it. So excited!
I don't have any advice, I am so envious that you have a LPS near you that sells crowntails. Good luck and have fun picking out your new betta! Make sure you post a picture!
Crownies are my favorite! I have 2. I love them!! One thing I have noticed with them is if you get behind on water changes their rays curl a little. That's why I don't keep any of my bettas in uncycled bowls/tanks anymore. I had a bad habit of letting water changes slip. Good luck with your soon to be new boy and enjoy!! Looking forward to seeing the pics!
I bought my first crowntail about 3 weeks ago, I was excited like you are. They're beautiful. I left about 6 lfs around my area (they dont have crowns) and went to one about 45mins away just to get him. Now I have 3 crowns and 3 veils. Crowns are my fav. You will adore him..please post pics.
Congratulations! Crowns are beautiful bettas. I'm lucky enough to have a lfs VERY nearby that sells crowns. I'm getting a new one soon, too. Be careful, though. They're addicting! *grin*
I think in the course of two months, I'm going to have five. *sigh* I'm running out of room and I still want to do some veiltail rescues!
I got three crowns in a matter of 2 days. Once I found out that my lfs was getting them in regularly I've decided I have GOT to stay away!! That makes 7 veils and 3 crowns. I was so excited when i got my first 3 last week!! They are just adorable!
I did get him, and I picked up another guy because he was just too pretty to pass up. I'm trying to post pictures right now and I can't seem to figure out how...
Ok, I think I've got the picture thing figured out...Let's see.

If it works, this is my new Crowntail. I named him Flare, because he wouldn't stop flaring at me as I tried to take his picture. I'm sorry for the pictures being so blurry. I can't figure out how to get nice pictures like the others that I've seen on this site. He's so much prettier in person.


And this is Booger. I think he's a veiltail. His name is Booger because he wouldn't stay still and let me take his picture. He was being a Booger. He's much greener and aslo much prettier in person.

you wouldn't believe how long it just took me to do that. haha I hope it worked.

crap...just went through all that and it didn't work. i'll just paste the web addresses. sorry.
Just figured out how to take much better pictures. 2am, house lights out, tank lights on, flash off, macro's the magic formula. Think I may have figured out the IMG tags...













Now lets see if those worked...

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