Getting A Betta At Last!


Mar 21, 2005
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so... im at last getting my own little betta, but as ive found with most things its best to do your reasearch first.

so im only going to get a basic veil tail from my lfs which is very good at looking after there bettas and all seem in good planning on getting a 2 gal tank for him/her, i know many people dont think this is an ideal tank size but its the best i can afford atm.

first question-where i live it does get fairly cold and there for my bedroom does as well so i think a heater is best but is a 2 gal too small for a heater? im sure ive heard it is but im not too sure if this was reliable information.

question 2- how much will this cost, i was thinking between £30-£50 but was hopeing a little bit cheaper.

thx for any info and any more useful tips would be much welcome,thx.
Hm.. I think a two-gallon tank's a bit small for a heater. BUT! I'm from southeast asia and I don't use heaters so I'm not really a reliable source. :lol: So.. I'm just gonna say good luck with your first betta! :D
You should be fine with a 25 watt heater in there, it just depends on whether a standard heater will be able to fit in or not. Cost? Depends really, if you mean the entire tank setup you can easily get something nice looking and basic for under £20. If you say a heater is about £15, (it should be less but thats a nice round number), you can get 2/3g tanks for around a fiver, gravel for under a pound, plants pretty cheap....
thx, ive already got gravel but i want sand rearly but if i have to il have for plants i will take some out of my planted community.
im very much surprized at the price this will probly cost but i know i will probly end up spending much more than i should as i always do. :X
o yes and what about a small filter or is this not neccesary?
i also wouldnt mind putting a few khuli loaches or corys in with my betta as i know this can be done but will i have to get a larger tank to do this?
sorry about all the questions. :crazy: but thx for the info so far. :D
I read somewhere where you can get really cheap heaters that look like small bags but dunno where I read it. :no: but I remember with postage they were only about a tenner. Trouble is here in UK it is cold! :-(
o yes and what about a small filter or is this not neccesary?
i also wouldnt mind putting a few khuli loaches or corys in with my betta as i know this can be done but will i have to get a larger tank to do this?

Sand, I'd imagine you can buy a small amount from an lfs, shouldn't cost too much. Tankmates, tbh, it depends on the betta, but I'd possibly say khulis are a better choice than cories. IME khulis aren't very active, you could possibly get away with them in a 5g but something like a 7 or 10g would be better.
i think will go for the khuli loaches in with the betta as i can take my 4 khulis out of my planted tank.
As im having khulis as well will this mean i will need a filter?
i probly will get a bigger tank as it will probly be best for the betta as well.
liz2-yes it is freezin here in brum at the moment and isnt getting any warmer. :D
ok, so i feel a bit more prepared now, ive decided im going to get a small tank 5-10 gal, i will choose what size when i get to my lfs next weekend probly.i will get my self a small 25 watt heater and a small sponge filter.decided on sand and probly a piece of bog wood as a centre piece.
thx for all the info its much appriciated.and any more extra info would be great. :D
ive calculated up to what it may cost and im think about £40 probly a bit less as the sale is on at my lfs so il get a few deals. :p
that looks brilliant, and cheap.i cant seem to find a uk link to it doh.has anybody got a link for the uk plz.
they seem ideal. :D
Hi I've got Hydor Mini's for my acrylic tanks and they raise the temp to a reasonable level, and I'm currently using one to warm some water that my killie eggs are incubating in. :D

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