Gettin Betta Soon


Fish Addict
May 28, 2006
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Hi everyone, I'm going to get a betta probably this weekend and want to know if anyone has any info they think I should definately know before I get one. Dont give me the basic info like, they will fight if put together (males) and have to have a heater blah blah blah. Ive had bettas before. But if anyone has anything they would like me to know, post something. I'm going to get one in a 5 gallon tank that has about 1/4 inch of gravel at the bottum with a smooth rock that i got from a stream behind my house(yes I cleaned and boiled it) and an old silk plant. I'm going to get more fake plants so the betta will have plenty of things to rest on. Just anything you think i should know, put on here. thanks
if the betta you want are at the top of the cup or w.e it might have swim bladder and if you bring that home it wont swim well and the filter will like suck it in o_o. and you might not want anything too shiny in your tank or it'll see its reflection and flare at it forever and ever. then it'll tire out and might not flare for you x-x happened to mine.
Thanks guys. I didnt think about bringing a small mirror with me. Thanks for all the help. incase yall were wondering i havent kept bettas for years because i had one in a 5 gallon when i was younger(like eight) and I had no idea how to care for the betta and he never once flared, he was one of the lazy bettas and he only lived for about 6 months and then he died unexpectedly but now that I'm older I have read up on them and everything and am ready to tackle them again. I think i will have more luck with one now. Thanks again

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