

Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
Shoreham, West sussex, UK
Hi all, just had to show you all what he looks like, as we finally managed to get hold of the camera while he was flaring!!!!

Hes a great lil chappie, even lives happily in a community tank! if things get abit much for him, he goes off into his plants and just hangs out alone, but we usually find him having a good old swim along the front of the tank, watching, and waiting for attention from us!

betta_lova said:
LOL! I dare you to refund him :p
I would never take him back, hes a loverly lil chappie, and im hurt you would even think of encouraging me to take him back!! :sad:

Hes the 1st thing i see when i wake up at my bfs house, hes just the cutest lil thing!
GuppyDude said:
hes cool, how big is ur bf's community tank?

and BL y would u dare her to do anything like that?
My bfs community tank is, 36" long, 15" deep, and 15" wide. im not sure how many litres or gallons that is ?

hes got:

1 huge common pleco,
5 tiger barbs
1 swordtail male
1 swordtail female
2 female sailfin mollies
1 male sailfin molly
2 Clown loaches
1 flying fox
1 ruby shark
1 silver shark (soon to be rehomed)
2 male platies
3 female platies

And George!!

We werent sure at first if George wud be ok in there, and had organised a backup tank if he cudnt live safely in there, but he gets on great, he loves it, cus hes got the full length of the tank to swim along, and hes got lots of plants to go veg out in when he wants a rest, or 5 minutes peace from the others. At first we thought that the tiger barbs wud nip his fins, but hes been in there 4 abt 8 weeks now, mayb even longer, and hes still had none of his fins nipped, and hes been really happy!
That's a pretty cool looking betta. I wouldn't even think about selling him or refunding him. He's nice and colorful too. :cool:

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