German Blue Ram Questions.


New Member
Oct 27, 2012
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What else will my German Blue Rams like to eat besides aqueon cichlid pellets, hikari algae wafers and bloodworms (are freeze dried or frozen better?)? How often should I feed what? About how many pellets should each ram eat each day?

Do they prefer a nice current in part of the tank or should i lessen the flow coming out of the filter or put a fish sponge where the water comes out of the filter to soften/lessen the flow coming out? If so can I use a new sponge like the ones i buy to clean the tanks and just cut it to fit the opening? (not grocery store sponges since they have soap in them before packaging)

I feed my ram a flake food twice a day with the occasional bloodworm treat (usually once a week)Frozen is better than freeze dried because they have a higher nutrtional value, it's like the difference between fresh meat from a butcher and chicken nuggets. I wouldn't know how many pellets to feed your ram because as i said; i feed mine flakes.

From my experience; rams do not mind having a current either so a sponge is not necessary.

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