Geophagus Sexing


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2011
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Recently bought these two, were lead to believe were male and female....Any thoughts


  • thumb_DSC_0888_1024.jpg
    66.4 KB · Views: 1,249
Hmmm its a tough one from that photo, neither are really showing much development of a thickening on the forehead which can be a sign but one thing I do notice is the one on the right has a rounded dorsal fin tip where as the others is quite pointed. So based on that I think the right one is female and the left is male but like I say not 100% on that.
Might have expected longer filaments on the tail, dorsal and anal of a male fish. But if they are a pair, I'm with Will's on which is which.
The one on the right was sold to me as the female. They are constantly together, occasionally chasing each other. The guy who sold them said they showed sighs of breeding but never did. Just hope they are not a pair of males. Another pic is attached, different angle
 Thank you for your replies


  • fish007.jpg
    81.6 KB · Views: 837
It is hard to say still, in my experience male Geos are usually much bigger at all ages than females where as these two are quite similar in size. Though you can get some female cichlids that are unusally male looking. I had a female Severum that looke exactly like a male, all the facial markings, pointy fins, slight thickening on the forehead but she laid eggs pretty much every week - ate them straight away but tried it constantly.

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