Geophagus Jurupari Vs Satanoperca Leucosticta


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2007
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Columbia, SC, USA
I need to understand the differences between these fish. I used to have this delightful little cichlid about ten years ago. He was labeled as Geophagus Jurupari by the LFS where I bought him from. He was white, with several dark vertical bands about his body (too splotchy to be called stripes really). He had the obvious trait of sifting through the sandy substrate. He was also very calm and peaceful. When alarmed / threatened, he had a habit of raising his dorsal fin to puff up.

From what I've read, it seems that the genus Geophagus is not the correct genus for this fish. Is Geophagus a correct genus for any fish? Is there an actual Geophagus jurupari species or is it Satanoperca jurupari? I assume what I bought was a Satanoperca leucosticta, but mine seemed brighter and less 'dingy' than the photos I've seen floating around on the internet. Is it because he was a juvenile (~2 inches) or do the pictures simply not do the fish justice?

Thanks in advance,
Hi there,

The Geophagus genus has been split up a bit in the last few years:

What were the 'Demon' fish (Geophagus jurupari being a common name a while back) have now been reclassified into the genus Satanoperca (which includes amongst others S. daemon, S. jurupari, S. acuticeps, S. leucostica etc)

The genus Geophagus includes fish like G. surinamensis, G altifrons, G. dicrozoster and a whole raft of others.

One other fish that has been separated out is 'Geophagus' braziliensis (in much the same way we still have some 'Cichlasoma' for some species), just awaiting detailed study before either creating a new genus or re-assigning else where.

Please bear in mind though, Geophagus, 'Geophagus' and Satanoperca are still part of the Geophagine family of cichlids (along with about a dozen other genus's of 'earth-eater' cichlids.

They are two different names.... haha, just joking, had to be a smart a$$ there, couldnt resist.

Disregard my post, a.d. wood has the idea :good:
Hi there,

The Geophagus genus has been split up a bit in the last few years:

What were the 'Demon' fish (Geophagus jurupari being a common name a while back) have now been reclassified into the genus Satanoperca (which includes amongst others S. daemon, S. jurupari, S. acuticeps, S. leucostica etc)

The genus Geophagus includes fish like G. surinamensis, G altifrons, G. dicrozoster and a whole raft of others.

One other fish that has been separated out is 'Geophagus' braziliensis (in much the same way we still have some 'Cichlasoma' for some species), just awaiting detailed study before either creating a new genus or re-assigning else where.

Please bear in mind though, Geophagus, 'Geophagus' and Satanoperca are still part of the Geophagine family of cichlids (along with about a dozen other genus's of 'earth-eater' cichlids.


Thanks Andrew that makes much more sense now. Can anyone comment about the color of my juvenile S. leucostica? Are they 'whiter' as juveniles or am I just seeing the effects of lighting with the Internet example pictures I'm viewing.


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