Geo Liquid?


I've never heard of it?? :dunno:

Sorry no replys......I just bumped it so maybe someone will come along!! ;)
seen it, but i have no idea what it does...
I can't find much info on it on the web. I see what it does but it doesn't explain very well how it accomplishes what it promises. I'd probably be leary of using it unless I knew what was really in it. It makes a lot of broad promises.
could somebody please explain was it acutally does?
Just 4 teaspoons per 10 gallons every 10 days will ...

* Remove heavy metals from fresh or salt water.
* Balance dissolved trace elements and minerals.
* Reduce environmental stress factors.
* Encourage healthy growth in live rock and reef tanks
* Improve fish vitality and resistance to disesae.
* Promote plant and invertebrate growth

Geo Liquid will remove almost all harmful contaminants as well as maintaining the perfectly balanced, stable equilibrium of essential minerals, and essential bacteria.

Geo Liquid will temporarily make the water go very cloudy! This cloudiness indicates that Geo Liquid is working, and will clear when it has finished removing all the contaminants from the water or has completely depleted its capacity for adsorption.
Sounds like...

i use it in one of my tanks and it does what it says, and it makes the tank sooooooooooo crystal clear. its just a water conditioner.

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