

Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I'm sure this has probably been covered at some point in the forums, but I can't find it. LOL
So, I wanted to ask if any of you know....if I were to breed, say...a male CT with a female HM, I assume that the way it works is I wouldn't get a cross, but rather some of the spawn may be halfmoons and some may be cts, whichever has the stronger genes, correct? Just curious to know what would happen if one were to breed different types. :) Thanks!
can't help you much here... All i know is if you breed a VT male to anything but a crowntail, all you'll get are Veiltails... if you breed him to a Crowntail, you'll probably get either some veiltails and some combtails
You will get combtails actually, which would look like a cross between CT and HM :nod:
The HM trait is due to a number of different genes so you do see a blending of sorts when you mix two fish with different caudal spreads together, and the CT trait is incompletely dominant, so fish that only carry only one gene for CT (like the ones produced from this spawn would) would have various degrees of combing.
The HM trait is due to a number of different genes so you do see a blending of sorts when you mix two fish with different caudal spreads together, and the CT trait is incompletely dominant, so fish that only carry only one gene for CT (like the ones produced from this spawn would) would have various degrees of combing
and the genetic queen of the year is synirr!!!! :lol:

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