Genetic probability of PK


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
NB/NS/PEI (depends on time of year)
I've been hunting around for a while now, and it seems that while there's plenty of information on the dominant/recessive colours, I can't find much helpful about tail/body types, so I'm hoping some breeders might be able to give me a hand here.

The male I'm planning to breed is a copper delta (he may have been a super delta but he's blown so much of his tail and regrown it in such an artistic fashion that I really can't tell anymore!), and the spawn sister he's paired with is a super delta, nearly HM (gorgeous finnage on all of these girls, really. Cathy, if you ever read this, I adore you, seriously. Thank you so much for my beauties *drools for a minute*).

They come from a PK father and HM mother, and I'm trying to work out a rough Punnett's square on what I'm going to be seeing in my spawn in terms of tail/body types. Since they're both heterozygous for PK, I'm wondering whether that's a dominant or recessive gene, mostly because I'm hoping to have a rough guess as to how many little boys are likely to be zipping around my growout tank disguised as girls before I wisen up :p
Thank you for the reply; it perked me up quite a bit in the midst of all this homework! I don't have anything against plakats, but I'll confess I prefer long tails just a bit :*)

The closer this spawn gets, the more I start to be scared that I'm not ready for it; betta-breeding cold feet, I guess :lol:
That's funny...I am starting to lean the other direction now.
I started off liking Halfmoon and Delta's I have more plakats then anything else...I like the fact their fins don't weigh them down..and they can zip around..and the fact they look pretty all the time..not just when they are flared up **hehe**.

I still like all the other tail types though...**glances back at Hia and Dok**.
Yeah, thats why I'm aiming for PKHM ^_^. Short fins for more activity and less weight (and more natural), crowning for that pretty ornamental touch ^_^
I guess it's good everybody likes different types, or else we wouldn't have the variety we do today :p

It's funny, really; I love to looks at other peoples' pics of their PKs, and I think they're just as lovely as the longer-finned ones; I just don't get that same compulsive "buy it!" urge that I do with the longer finned bettas (exception being, of course, Wuv's raspberry cheesecake boy. First time a PK ever made my knees wobble!)

The father of my own quintet was stunning as well, really, and who knows, maybe one of his great grandbabies will be the first PK to capture my heart and convince me to keep him :lol:

ETA: I can never resist the chance to show off a betta, even if it's not mine! The daddy of my own gang, future grandfather of my next spawn

wuvmybetta said:
Long fins are over-rated :zz


aye, ya got that right missy.
seriously though, halfmoons and the like are way over-rated, as was said earlier, they only look impressive when they are in full flare. plakad though, can't beat them for sheer power, and grace, and they always look good...except if they have dropsy, then they look bad.
If both parents are heterozygous for plakat you will NOT get all long-finned in the F1. You'll get 75% long-finned, 25% plakat. Looks like you'll have to watch out for males in female's clothing... er... fins ;)

Edited for 2:00 AM grammar
Thank you Synirr; it's been so long since I did genetics that I didn't like to credit my own doubt over the projected outcome, lol. I did the Punnett's square and was like hmm, I must have done it wrong :rolleyes:

I got LL, Lp, Lp, and pp (where L is long finned, and p is plakat) for my spawn outcome, so I was like gah it's been too long since I did this! Thanks for clearing that up; you've bolstered my confidence :lol:
Looks like you did the Punnett right. For genotypes in a normal monohybrid cross you always get 1:2:1 :nod:
yeah that's correct, if they're both heterozygous for Lp then you will get 25% plakats (homozygous), 50% heterozygous long tails, and 25% homozygous long tails.
Fabulous :D Now at least I have a bit better idea of what to expect to pop up in my growout tank . . . the closer this gets the more nervous I become! I am really glad I did the Punnett's right, though . . . any competence at all on my part in this stage of the game goes a long way toward encouraging me :*)
Synirr said:
If both parents are heterozygous for plakat you will NOT get all long-finned in the F1.
Dammit, I knew I meant to edit something :X . No idea why I put all longfin, I was having a shtupid moment :X

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