General Treatment?


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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Tank size: 30 US Gal (115 lt)
pH: 7.8-8.0
ammonia: ~0 (Tap water has some ammonia in it, but the filter generally takes that out within a few hours, as well as whatever the fish produce) 
nitrite: 0 
nitrate: Haven't checked recently so I can't give an accurate answer
kH: 400  (Note about gH and kH, I can't remember which is which as my test kit reads them as Alkalinity and Hardness) 
gH: 200
tank temp: 77

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Juvi Pearl Gourami (About 1.5 inches long) Near base of tail on left side, scales appear discoloured (Lighter beige then the rest of the fish) Area appears slightly raised. I think it's just a wound that has become infected. I just got her on Sunday so it's possible she was injured in transit. 
I'm wondering what I could use as a general treatment just to see if it helps at all. I was thinking raising the temp to 80 and add some aquarium salt? Suggestions are welcome.
I really want to make her better, she's such a spunky little girl (I think it's a girl) 
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
45 Lt every week (30-40%)
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Tank inhabitants:
1 Pearl Gourami
3 Platys
1 Male BNP
3 Mystery snails
Assorted hitch hiker snails and Cherry shrimp
i use methylene blue ... really good.. treats all (well at least what i had issues with) and then only thing is it will kill plants :( sooo no plants lol
if it is just the gourami just put her in a  bucket with the aquarium water, add a bubblier and put the methylene in... don't know how it'll do with shrimp, but i do a quick set up like that with my fish.. keep the water moving and its all good.
Does the tail end have a pink, red, or white edging?
Can you see anything beneath the scales?
Any white edging around the scales?
Is there any pink, or red colouration on the scales?
Is the fish bloated?

I wouldn't use methylene blue in main tank as it can wipe good bacteria out in the filter.
Plus also I wouldn't use it with shrimp in the tank.
I was hoping to use something a little easier to come by then methylene blue (As I've never seen it around to buy) - then again I haven't kept a particular eye out. 
As for this discolouration: The scales appear to be mildly grey/lighter beige across the entire area, there is no different colour to the edges. (It goes straight from lighter beige to normal scales)
I don't see anything beneath the scales. The only area that appears swollen in any way is where the scales are discoloured, and even then only very slightly. I can only say their raised when looking at her from behind. 
I can't think of any particular sickness of any kind sort of cancer that would cause this sort of problem. She doesn't seem uncomfortable at all that I can see. 
You will have to move the snails and shrimp.
Maybe go in with Melafix at half dose. As not all fish tolerate the full dose.
Injury can cause lifted scales.
If no improvement don't hesitate to post back on your thread.
Good Luck.

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