General Tank/filter Reccomendations


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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First, a filter for a 3x12x15. Will have a fairly messy fish in (or be heavily stocked, either way really), but will probably be a simple, fairly empty tank. Note, budget of as low as possible.

Second, a small desktop tank. Something around 5g in size. Preferably with a proper filter and not a UGF, something like the Via Aqua tanks. Again, budget.

Third, an addition or upgrade or whatever for my 2ft. Let's assume large ish bioload. Curently got a Fluval 2+.
In order:

Eheim 2215
Hagen Elite Stingray 5
Eheim 2213

Eheims dirt cheap on eBay if you cast your eye out long enough :good:
Thanks :) I've got a 2213 already for another tank, although not set up at the moment. Although the second request was for an actual tank, not a filter ;)
oh erm oops! I'd say eBay! :lol:

I have a 24 x 8 x 8 (just plain glass with black plastic lid) that I picked up from my lfs for under £20 though - and used the Stingray in there.
I liked the length of that tank.

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