General Rainbow Question


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Are all rainbow fish generally very peaceful? I was recommended to get melantoniea praecox (forgot how to spell the first part) as they are very peaceful and will do well in my planted 15g tank.

I wanted to know whether the same thing would apply to most rainbows
Melanotaenia spp. are generally peaceful when kept in sufficient numbers (6 or more). Sometimes they're bullies in smaller groups, mostly towards one another. I'm not aware of them ever being nippy.

This said, 15 gallons is too small for even M. praecox. Even Iriatherina werneri would be pushing it. I'd strongly suggest looking at species suitable for small tanks, perhaps lampeyes, Aplocheilichthys spp.

Cheers, Neale
How many of the Praecox would rouphly fit in a 40gallon with other fish ? something like 10 ok? i ahd 10 neon tetra's but they got eaten by the angels over the time theyve been in there.
Easily a dozen, if not more, dwarf rainbows will fit into 40 gallons.

Neons do indeed get eaten by angels. Funny how no-one believes me when I say this!


How many of the Praecox would rouphly fit in a 40gallon with other fish ? something like 10 ok? i ahd 10 neon tetra's but they got eaten by the angels over the time theyve been in there.
i am planning on getting 6 of these guys for my 25gal when i sell my convicts and their fry i just love em they are so active and colourful in the right conditions
Easily a dozen, if not more, dwarf rainbows will fit into 40 gallons.

Neons do indeed get eaten by angels. Funny how no-one believes me when I say this!


How many of the Praecox would rouphly fit in a 40gallon with other fish ? something like 10 ok? i ahd 10 neon tetra's but they got eaten by the angels over the time theyve been in there.

Well i thought the angels were a little on the small side for eating them so thought theyd be fine , NVM, least the rainbow fish would probs be far to fast to be eaten, seen the rainbows in my lfs but alot of the stock is dodgy as! waiting until i go to a decent shop until i decide if im going to get them:)

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