General Info On Bettas Needed


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Shrewsbury UK

We have a spare 10 UK gallon (40 litre) in which we would ike to keep some Bettas. Now I know that you are not to keep 2 males together, but I have also heard that females can be aggressive. Please can someone tell me what would be an appropriate number of females per male in this size tank.

Also, can you tell me what is the ideal temperature for them please? We woiuld like to get the tank set up asap and then purchase the new inhabitants. Should they all be introduced at the same time or is there a better way to do this?

Any info/help would be greatly appreciated.

Females and males cannot be kept together in the same tank ESPECIALLY of that size, Maybe if you were VERY experienced with bettas and had a 55 gallon or larger.

The temp should be 80, which is perfect for them. If you use a filter, make sure there’s no current and you shouldn’t use an air pump to oxygenate the water like you would for normal fish, they don’t need it and often times don’t like it.

You can have one male in the tank, or about four females.
Thanks for the replies, Well it shows how wrong I was :/ For some reason I was sure that I had been told one male and about four females would be ok.

Do you not need to have a filter or an air pump with Bettas then? Do you have to do very frequent water changes if you don't have a filter?

Sorry for all the questions - but I just want to make sure everything is right for them :D

Perhaps you were told 1 male or 4 females (since people are told to keep at least 4 females in one tank if they want multiple females)?

Air pump, no. Filter, would be nice, if you could keep the flow low. If not, it is not necessary provided you do sufficient water changes. 25-50% here, weekly with a happy crowntail in my five gallon tank.

Asking questions ensures that you will take good care of your fish, therefore, nothing wrong with questions. :p
from what i have heard you do not need to have a filter but if you dont you would have to do a water change (sorry i dont know how much but i would have thought around 25%) about every other day at least once every three days
Thanks very much :D It's given me plenty to think about. Will probably be back with some more questions before too long


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