Gender Options In The Control Panel

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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just looking at it after i made a mistake with someone's gender (sorry again! :blush: ) and in your control panel there's actually two places to put your gender in. any reason why?! lol
Just done some cross-gender experimentation :p It's the first one that matters, the second one has no effect on what the coloured thingy is.
Just done some cross-gender experimentation :p

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :hyper:

well i'm honored you chose to tell us first ;) :D

hmmm that first option won't seem to hold it's settings, i select female from the pull down list, click update settings, it say's it's done it but it reverts back to not telling ???
the top one definatley doesn't register any changes to it, the seocnd one will save changes
There's one person on the boards just now who was just saying she's pregnant and when I looked at the profile it says "not telling" - might have just given it away, no? :lol:
My profile was set at not telling, altered it now to female.

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