gender of......

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gourami males are alot brighter and have more colour on them feamles often silver and plainish.... i dnt think u can tell with tetras :D
I noticed that many stores only sell male dwarf gouramies, because "females are not in demand". Same for Bettas. Labyrinth fishies like these have a huge number of babies, I guess the breeders throw out the females in favor of the more colorful males. Just my guess.

If you have a group of Tetras you will notice the females are rounder, the males slim and sometimes more colorful. The latter depends on the species. I think black skirt tetra males are darker, smaller/slimmer and more active chasing each other. This of course is only noticeable if you have a group of them.
I've read that in Gouramis, the male has a pointed dorsal fin and the female has a rounded one. From the pics I've seen - this looks to be a good way to tell them apart.

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