Gasping Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2003
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I saw a post where someone was talking about their fish looking really subdued and sort of lying at the bottom of the tank gasping , is that a disease or directly related to one, or is it just poor gill function?
It's likely that is an illness, probably gill flukes, but it could be the very early stages of poisoning, a malfunctioning filtration system or, as you said, simply poor gill function.

But as I said, if you had to wager, going with illness would be your best bet.
-_- I have seen many fish do this, And with no treatment have got back to normal within a few hours.
Silly but i put it down to being out of breath after a race around tanl :rolleyes:
Sorry if i seem to light on subject :( but this is my observation from 10 years of fish keeping :D
If wrong please dont slag me :/
Only putting up an opinion :p

ALL opinions are welcome here :D :D .

Please don't ever worry bout getting "slagged" for your opinion. One thing about this board is we appreciate everyones input.

There are times when a subject may come under "debate", but this is good for the members as it gives them an opportunity to judge all the opinions and make a better informed decision.

Keep on posting m8!!!!


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