*gasp* I have fry!


May 15, 2004
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West side of Candyland where the lollipop trees ar
One of my guppies dropped her fry today! I don't have a breeder net that fits in the tank so they are all hiding amongst the rocks and decor in the tank. Gah, I never thought somebody could get so excited about fish! :kana:

There are roughly 10 - 20 fry and the adult guppies don't bother them much - I have seen them chase after them a few times but DANG! those babies are fast! :hyper:

I'm going to be getting some pictures, but I'm having one heck of a time taking them! Thought I would start this thread up as I'm going to be posting the pictures anyways. ;)
I'm not getting very clear pictures, but here's one I've gotten so far...


  • babyfish1.PNG
    37.9 KB · Views: 34
:hyper: CONGRATULATIONS! Good luck with the fry! My female guppy, Flora, loves to snack on fry . . . even her own . . . even if she's in the breeder net. Everytime I discover that a female fish delivered fry, I have to hunt them down or my other fish would eat them! :fish:
arashi....u just read my mind ! they ARE so-very tiny!

congratsss again! :) mmm wonder when my females give birth.... its been more than a month and a half im sure :X

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