Garra Pingi Pingi

Mar 17, 2005
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One of my lfs stocks these fish on a relatively regular basis, but info on keeping them doesn't seem to be very clear.
Over the last couple of months, a large amount of space has been freed up in my main tank, and i would like to have some of these fish.
Some questions that i have about these fish though are;

a. Are these fish coldwater, sub-tropical or tropical fish? My lfs has them in the the tropical section, while other sites seem to suggest these are more coldwater fish.

b. Are they solitary fish or do they like to be in groups? Are they agressive at all?

c. What is their diet exactly? Different sites seem to suggest different things. Are they herbivores, omnivors, carnivores, insectivores etc?
I know a few people that have kept these and I have owned them myself in the past.

a. Are these fish coldwater, sub-tropical or tropical fish? My lfs has them in the the tropical section, while other sites seem to suggest these are more coldwater fish.

I have seen them in tanks with temperatures as low as 12°C and as high as 25°C, personally I think they do best at around 25°C but not higher.

b. Are they solitary fish or do they like to be in groups? Are they agressive at all?

I had 3 and they seemed very happy together, they are a peaceful fish when kept with active fish as big as themselves. I kept whiteclouds and shiners with mine and they never bothered them.

c. What is their diet exactly? Different sites seem to suggest different things. Are they herbivores, omnivors, carnivores, insectivores etc?

They will accept most foods like pellets, vegetables, and frozen food. Mine liked bloodworm and algae wafers the most but did like sera discus granules as a treat now and then.

I know a few people that have kept these and I have owned them myself in the past.

a. Are these fish coldwater, sub-tropical or tropical fish? My lfs has them in the the tropical section, while other sites seem to suggest these are more coldwater fish.

I have seen them in tanks with temperatures as low as 12°C and as high as 25°C, personally I think they do best at around 25°C but not higher.

b. Are they solitary fish or do they like to be in groups? Are they agressive at all?

I had 3 and they seemed very happy together, they are a peaceful fish when kept with active fish as big as themselves. I kept whiteclouds and shiners with mine and they never bothered them.

c. What is their diet exactly? Different sites seem to suggest different things. Are they herbivores, omnivors, carnivores, insectivores etc?

They will accept most foods like pellets, vegetables, and frozen food. Mine liked bloodworm and algae wafers the most but did like sera discus granules as a treat now and then.


Awesome, thanks for the info, i really appreiciate it :good:

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