Gardon Flood Light = Halide Fish Light?


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2007
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I have a gardon flood light! can i use this on my big marine tank for extral lighting??????

its 500w?? now its REALLY BRIGHT is 500w too much? if so i can get a lower watts bulb and use it as a halide ???
It should be good you will just need a different spectrum I think.
If that is a 500W halide I would be inclined to stay well away since a 500W point source far exceeds anything that nature throws at corals (from both a light and heat point of view). Garden halides are certainly an option and one that I frequently recommend. Either a 150W or 250W is fine but remember that these will give a good intensity to a 2'x2'x2' volume of water. You will however have to change the lamp/bulb to an aquarium lamp of equal wattage and what ever colour you like; 10K, 14K or 20K it's up to you. What are the dimensions of your tank and what lighting are you using all ready? Also remember to think about air flow around the tank since halides get hot and can quickly raise the water temperature.

Well I hope this helps

If that is a 500W halide I would be inclined to stay well away since a 500W point source far exceeds anything that nature throws at corals (from both a light and heat point of view). Garden halides are certainly an option and one that I frequently recommend. Either a 150W or 250W is fine but remember that these will give a good intensity to a 2'x2'x2' volume of water. You will however have to change the lamp/bulb to an aquarium lamp of equal wattage and what ever colour you like; 10K, 14K or 20K it's up to you. What are the dimensions of your tank and what lighting are you using all ready? Also remember to think about air flow around the tank since halides get hot and can quickly raise the water temperature.

Well I hope this helps


Hi its a corner fish tank! 350L

It was just a thort cos i have a flood light unit sat doing nuffthink! so what bulb what i want to buy for it to be ok to use as a marine light? to help my corals grow!

Oh im useing t5s!
ive never heard of a 500 watt metal halide but i have heard of a 500 watt halogen light, both are VERY different and halogens would be useless on marine tanks. Plus i do not know of any marine spectrum 500 watt halides (because i doubt there is such thing as a 500 watt halide)
Agree with Musho, 500 watts is NOT a typical halide bulb. Halides come in 70, 150, 175, 250, 400, and 1000 watt types. Halogens come in incriments of 500 watts. I'd stay away
Agree with Musho, 500 watts is NOT a typical halide bulb. Halides come in 70, 150, 175, 250, 400, and 1000 watt types. Halogens come in incriments of 500 watts. I'd stay away

So are all Halogen bulbs bad for marine??? even the round ones you can get ???
All HALOGEN bulbs are bad for marine tanks, yes. Halogens output almost solely red and yellow light which symbiotic zooxanthellae that live in our corals cannot use. Hair algae and cynobacteria can though ;)
All HALOGEN bulbs are bad for marine tanks, yes. Halogens output almost solely red and yellow light which symbiotic zooxanthellae that live in our corals cannot use. Hair algae and cynobacteria can though ;)

But am i right in saying the biorb has a halogen bulb in it???
I am surprised in the states you aren't familiar with 500W halides. In the UK you can go into any hardware store and are garanteed to find one. I must admit that what Ski says about increments is correct; I initially thought it was a bit strange to have a 400W lamp and then 500W since the rest are so spread out. I think that most 500W of the garden halide type give out light in the 12,500K range (had a look on the bulb packet and it had a little squiggley graph peaking at 12,500K). The trigon 350 would like a single 250W halide lamp to suppliment your T5s, you will have some shadey areas around the edge but it will certainly enhance coral growth.

Hope this helps

i dunno maybe there are but PAR is what ultimately decides if the corals grow or not, not the spectrum.
So whats the best best bulb/unit you can get for best coral groth!!

You got all these diffrent k-ranges!

Whats the best of the best?

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