Gardneri Killi's


ray and oddball keeper !!
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
lancaster, lancashire, england, uk
hi my lfs just got in some pairs of gardneri this week for £6 a pair which i think is a fair price.
i was thinking of getting a pair but just need a little info.
do they lay eggs in the substrate or mops?
how long do they live for?
will they do well in slightly soft, acidic water around 6.5 ph?

and just general maintenance and breeding info.
Hi I breed my Gardneri on mops but they will lay in java moss occassionally, if you do a search for all topics created by BigC you will find virtually all killi info you require. And yes £6 is a very good price for them, I've seen them for a lot more but it depends on the species and also if they can provide you with a location for them.

Good luck and please post pics.
ok thanks, i have a tank set up for breeding green panchax with mops and still water so should be fine, i havent actually seen what colour they are as they had only just come in when i was in last so he said he will sort them out, gonna pop in later on today as im picking up some other fish anyway so i will have a look then!
a location? like the country they are from? will they not be tank bred? thought most killis were tank bred!
i will try find out!
ok thanks, i have a tank set up for breeding green panchax with mops and still water so should be fine, i havent actually seen what colour they are as they had only just come in when i was in last so he said he will sort them out, gonna pop in later on today as im picking up some other fish anyway so i will have a look then!
a location? like the country they are from? will they not be tank bred? thought most killis were tank bred!
i will try find out!
Not necessarily, depends on where your lf's sources his fish from, they could have been wild imports, check with him.

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