Garden can hazard


Fish Fanatic
Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
The Lizard, Cornwall, UK
Can I bring to peoples attention the dangers of garden canes in the garden.

Jimmy our cat came home yesterday morning with the most horrendous injury to his stomach, he had a hole the size of a 50p piece just in front of his back legs, his tummy and back legs were absolutely dripping in blood, he'd lost so much blood his gums were white.

We rushed him to the animal hospital in Falmouth not expecting him to be alive at the end of the journey, the vet reckons he's jumped of a wall or fence and landed on a garden cane supporting a plant.

It took from yesterday morning till this afternoon to stabilise him on a drip, he was then operated on at 4.00 pm, he has massive muscle damage to his tummy, and trauma to his bladder and ureather (sp) thats now been repaired and he has a drain in the wound. he is bery poorly and by no means out of the woods yet.

Its not just human eyes at risk from sharp pointy things

If you do use canes please try and cover the ends with a bottle top taped on or some other over the sharp tip.
So sorry to hear about your kitty.
Thanks for sharing your valuable info with us.
I'm sure you'll save another family (and kitty) lots of grief.

Best of luck to your kitty for a speedy recovery.
We got kiddies running around the place in our veggie patch so we use bright and LONG ones so they are out of eye height. And no poor pussie would jump on them, cause there is nothin to jump from around there.

Sorry to hear that, i hope he pulls through. :flex: CMON...
omg thats so sad, i rilly hope hes gunna be okay, when my dad had an old garden a bird flew into one of those n it was soooo disgusting, ur kitty n family are in my prayers
Hope your cat will be ok. When I was a child a woman fell on a michaelmas daisy stalk and died !

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