Gar Id Please Help


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
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got the first gar for like 6 months, my guess is that its a shortnose gar, the second gar i just bought yesterday from LFS, my guess is a florida gar.
please help me ID them.



First one looks to me like a shortnose gar, the second i think is a spotted florida....

Beautiful specimens, what size tank you keeping them in?

Guessing goldfish is for feeding, goldfish are not a good food source, low in nutrional value and high in chances of your fishing catching something unwanted..
First one looks to me like a shortnose gar, the second i think is a spotted florida....

Beautiful specimens, what size tank you keeping them in?

Guessing goldfish is for feeding, goldfish are not a good food source, low in nutrional value and high in chances of your fishing catching something unwanted..

Yup, agreed.
First is a shortnose, the 2nd is not a spotted gar, but a Florida Gar.

Nice fish, I have a few of both, they are great.
To be honest Spotted and Florida are very similar anyway, and almost identical at a young age.

I rekon one of these would be right up your street nellsta!
thats what my lfs calls a tropical gar. ive never kept gar im just sayin.
First one looks to me like a shortnose gar, the second i think is a spotted florida....

Beautiful specimens, what size tank you keeping them in?

Guessing goldfish is for feeding, goldfish are not a good food source, low in nutrional value and high in chances of your fishing catching something unwanted..

i am keeping them in a 27" / 18" / 18" tank, i will been chaning tank only in 2 years.... i wonder how if they can stay in my current tank for 2 years. i kept the smaller gar in a basket as i am afraid my Peacock bass will take it for dinner.

So what food should i feed them with other than gold fish?
Take it out of the basket!
The gars are free swimmers.

The last two pictures are defo Florida, the 1st picture looks like a Shortnose, but will need a better lit picture to say for sure.

a 27" tank is allready way too small for them (+ a P.Bass....?)

Need a bigger tank now. Why bother getting them if you can't house them now and for at least 2 years!
Mate, no way thats bad, for a temp solution of like one night fair enough but to keep it there not good, tanks way to small as said for any of these species,this is why i never got one for my 60"/24"/24"

I would advise you to rehome all the fish and start again, research first like here,then go and purchase after...
Its not good for the fish firstly, secondly health will be conpramised

Now its up to you :good:
nice to see someone else has a gar on here :) i just recently pruchased an " Alligator gar" (refered to my pet sore) and i love them! He's a really cool addition to the tank and so far he's eaten my little yellow cichlid. (which was kinda upsetting, but its life) im in the saem boat you're in. Does anyone else what to feed the Gar's? i purchased frozen krill and frozen beefheart, but i havent seen him eat anythin yet besides the small fish 2 days ago... any feedback?
- thanks
nice to see someone else has a gar on here :) i just recently pruchased an " Alligator gar" (refered to my pet sore) and i love them! He's a really cool addition to the tank and so far he's eaten my little yellow cichlid. (which was kinda upsetting, but its life) im in the saem boat you're in. Does anyone else what to feed the Gar's? i purchased frozen krill and frozen beefheart, but i havent seen him eat anythin yet besides the small fish 2 days ago... any feedback?
- thanks

Your Gar is not an Alligator Gar.
Looks to be a Florida Gar.
Could still hit the 60cm mark, but no where near the Alli's 6ft+ length!
True, i know im gonna have to upgrade my tank. my friend has a 55 gal that hes willing to give to me.
The only reason i called it an alligator gar is because thats what my LFS called it. it is a long-nosed spotted gar. (ive done alot of reading).
just perchased some neon tetras for the gar's food, hopefully it'll work out.
True, i know im gonna have to upgrade my tank. my friend has a 55 gal that hes willing to give to me.
The only reason i called it an alligator gar is because thats what my LFS called it. it is a long-nosed spotted gar. (ive done alot of reading).
just perchased some neon tetras for the gar's food, hopefully it'll work out.

I'm betting it wont.

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