Gar fish help


New Member
Feb 7, 2005
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Oshkosh Wisconsin
Would a 55 gallon tank be big enough for a gar fish? I have ben wathcin them for a while and I really like them, I just done know if the tank is large enough. It is for feet long, 2 feet wide, and 3 feet tall. Thanks!
I dont think there is a 'True' gar that could fit in that size tank. A needle nose gar may though.
BlueRam22 said:
alright well thanks, do you guys know anything about Peacock Gudgeons and their scientific name?
Tateurndina ocellicauda, gets to a resounding 2.5" in length. Full fresh water, usually only eats small live food, or floating freeze dried food. They like a neutral pH and a temp of anywhere from 76-80 degrees :)
Yes, the smallest of the true gars gets to over 2 and a half feet in length, and the largest gets to just over 10 feet in length. :)
Even the smallest true gars reach 24 inches in captivity-Anne
since gars don't turn well you need a tank thats apporx 36 inches front to back for the smallest species
DannyBoy17 said:
Black_Ghost_Guy said:
Yes, the smallest of the true gars gets to over 2 and a half feet in length, and the largest gets to just over 10 feet in length. :)
So oculd I keep one in my fishbowl?

Is the 10fter the Alligator Gar?

Yes, the 10 ft. gar is the 'gator gar. There are reports of 12 ft. + tropical gars I beleive, too though. :shifty: :D
BlueRam22 said:
Would a 55 gallon tank be big enough for a gar fish? I have ben wathcin them for a while and I really like them, I just done know if the tank is large enough. It is for feet long, 2 feet wide, and 3 feet tall. Thanks!
A 55 gallon tank that is 4 feet long, 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall? I make that a custom 180 gallon with the foot print of a 120.

Its still too small for any of the true gars but is a far cry from a 55 if those are the correct dimensions.
CFC said:
the tank is large enough. It is for feet long, 2 feet wide, and 3 feet tall. Thanks!
A 55 gallon tank that is 4 feet long, 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall?
It is , if you don't fill it all the way :)

That foot print is just not fare to so many of the larger fish :/
I believe mosaic gars are actually one of the Boulengerella species which are commonly known as pike Characins, typicly these grow to around a foot and need a fairly long aquarium due to their nervous nature and habbit of throwing themselves into the tank walls.

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