Gallons n' Compatibility


New Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Well, I'm planning on soon owning an aquarium with 9
fish in it. They are: 5 Black Ruby Barbs, 1 Wine-Red Betta,
and 3 Dwarf Loaches. The question is, will they get
along? And in general, what size and/or style tank should
I get?

Tank size: 30 gal - the black ruby barbs are active fish, so they need lots of open swimming space. I've seen some sites suggest 20 gal, but I wish I had bought 30 gal instead of 20 for my tiger barbs.

The loaches - These fish are schooling fish and really need to be kept in a group of 5 or more. They will be more active this way anywahs. Make sure they have plenty of hiding places, and also you probably want to use sand.

The betta - I have seen alot of debat on whether or not black ruby barbs are fin nippers. That said, bettas are very slow moving fish who have very long fins. Often a little too tempting to a fin nipper. I would re think this one.
So, would you have any suggestions
for a replacement(s) for the betta?
And I will probably update 3 loaches to

PS: Maybe I should
change avatars? :p
In general, I hate to give recomendations for which type of fish to buy. Instead, go to your LPS/LFS and see what fish catch YOUR eye. Remember, your barbs are going to be fast moving and possibly agressive, so you want to try to find fish that are also faster moving and don't have long fins. Once you know what you like, go home and do a little research.

As for how fully stocked you are - 6 barbs = 15 in, dwarf loaches = 10 inches...
I don't know how messy the loaches are (ie big waste producer or not), but I know the barbs aren't. If the dwarf loach is a relatively clean fish, then you might be able to get away with going a little above the 1"/gal rule.
Thanks for the recommendations (sp?).
I'll probably go to a pet store to check some
out in a few days.
I'd also keep the barbs in a gorup of 7.

If you want something that'll replace a betta you would be looking at gouramies. A single male of most of the common (colisa or trichogaster sp.) species would work. Look at those at your LFS and see what you like.
Ph and sorry to double-post but you should cycle the tank fishless before you get the fish. Read through the links in my signature about cycling and fishless cycling etc to learn mroe about this.
Since I last spoke here, I updated my list of fish.
I'm still working on it though.
So far I've got: 6 Pearl Danios, 1 Paradise Fish.
I heard the Paradise fish are agressive, but only with their mate.
How do you think it'll go as far as companionship?
Specifially what sort of loach are you going to get?

Also If you already have the paradise fish do not add a betta or one will wind up dead....likely the betta.
I know, I plan not to get a betta.
I'm still researching more loaches though.
Maybe a Featherfin Synodontis and
a pair of Eye-Spot sleepers? I think
that will need a 30 gal. right? I'll
be willing to take more suggestions!
Just so you know, the Pearl Danios and
Paradise fish are still included.
The ideas of the Dwarf loach, betta,
and barbs are gone.

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