Galaxy Rasboras


Jun 30, 2010
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When do these little guys reach breeding maturity? I bought 8 from the lfs yesterday and the are quite tiny but they do have there colors and my goal is to breed them but I amnot sure if these little guys and gals are mature enough. But then again I may be wrong and any insight is greatly appreciated.

I have 2 quite large moss mats for the eggs to drop into and a second tank ready to transfer the moss to once the eggs have been scattered.
From 4 months I've heard. I've just picked up a group of these as well.
They're quite lively little things huh? When I got them home they were all washed out and stressed and maybe 2 hours after getting them in my tank they're colors came right back and they were eating.

I guess i'll just have to keep an eye out in the moss and in the tank just in case because unfortunately I am not quite sure how old they are.
Anyone know what the eggs look like? Not sure what to look for so I can put the mats in my tank for the fry.

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