Galaxy Rasboras - So Far So Good.


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2007
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Just thought I'd post the little I know about these little guys.

I picked some up at the LFS last week with intent to breed them if I can. I've set up a little 10 gallon tank at home to give it a whirl. Also informed the store that these little guys have been fished out in their native habitat. Hopefully people who buy them will have a crack at breeding them as well.

I bought 6 of these little fellows, 3 male and 3 female, the males have brighter fins and have a deeper body color. They are NOT shy, they are outgoing little fish and settled in almost immediately. I have them with 3 cardinals and 2 guppies at the moment until their new home is properly cycled. The large female who is about an inch long (3 cm) has already scouted out her territory under some plants and shoos everyone else out. They seem to be peaceful little fish with each other and also to the other fish in the tank. No fin nipping so far. The smallest one is a little over half an inch (about 1.5 centimeters) and is male. Who knows if he's full grown or not. I've been feeding them crushed tetramin flakes which they seem to like.

I think these little guys are super. They're not nearly as showy as the cardinals and some of the other glowy tetras but they have nice little personalities and they move around the tank a lot in a relaxed manner. They don't dart around and it's tough to spook them. If I approach the tank they become curious and come to the glass to see what's up. No deaths to report so far, they all look happy and healthy. Tough little nuggets.

Apparently they haven't been classed yet. Personally, i think they look like a little danio of some sort. I think these little fish are going to be great for people who want small tanks because of their tiny size and peaceful demeanor. nano fish! I really hope people try to breed them.

here's my crappy picture:

Looking good, I also picked up half a dozen with the intent to breed.Mine have also settled in well and are feeding well on microworms(although they will take crumbled flake).They were a bit shy at first but now come out and dont get at all spooked when im watching them.I think they look like little danios also.

Heres a little vid of them.

Planted Nano Tank - Google Video

Best viewed in orig view with smooth video selected.
Contemplating this myself. I might pick up a school of them and give them a shot in a 20g long or 29g tank and see how they'll do. I'm debating where/whether to set up a new tank for it though.
Anyone know whats the best ratio m/f to have for breeding these fish? I currently have 2m and 2f, i want to get another couple and i was wondering if i should get 2m or 2f or 1 of each? Any ideas?
Anyone know whats the best ratio m/f to have for breeding these fish?

I wish I knew. The only thing about breeding them that i was able to find it that they laid eggs on a moss of some kind. i can't remember what the name was.

My cardinals are completely boring compared to these little fish. The galaxy rasboras are a much busier little fish. They're adorable, I'll be heartbroken if I ever lose one.
They are an endangered species in the wild now after what less than a year!!

So imo if you are keeping Galaxy Rasboras you should keep them in a species tank and concentrate on breeding them to rebuild the now delpleted wild stocks with captive bred versions.
i posted something on theses guys somewhere but i cant find it, i cant find an g. rasboras anywhere except online, ne where know a good place to look to buy them!
I currently have around 200 of these left after passing on 100 to another breeder having importing them and then finding out the problems they were facing in the wild. Rather than sell them I decided to use this large group and try to breed them with the advantage of having a large gene pool to prevent continuous inbreeding.

These are my findings to date:
Reportedly these are meant to grow to a few cms however, the other breeder mentioned has reported back saying he has seen some a friend of his owns that are 2 inches or more so who really knows?

I think they look like little danios also.
There might be more truth in this than you think as it has been rumoured in the trade that they will indeed be re-classified as a danio species.

To date I have witnessed one spawn which took place within minuites of added some Lilaeopsis grass to the tank. The male began to chase the group and singled out a large female. He drove her towards the Lilaeopsis and then began displaying to her and after about 3/4 of an hour she releaded her eggs on the plant. Other reports of spawning have occured on Java moss. I have as yet not witnessed any fry from this first attempt as it was left in the main tank and they do appear to eat their own eggs. Next time I will remove the Lilaeopsis and try to rear the young in a tank of their own.

A very good resource with other breeders experiences to date can be found here:
could u pleas get a better pic i need on fo a profile if u dont mind of course
my camra is rubish :good:
so its now the celestisl pearl danio not the galaxy rasbora why not call it the galaxy danio it sounds better
don't get me started on why Roberts has used danio in the common name,
just because he made up a new genus but put it in the family danionin
dosn't make it a danio and dosn't make it a rasbora either.

I can see that all other microrasboras will be moved into this genus :/

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