Galaxy Rasbora


New Member
Feb 25, 2007
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manchester, england
anyone have any info or experience, of the newly discovered galaxy rasbora, or know anywhere to get one which isnt online, bit sceptical about buying live stock online!?
anyone have any info or experience, of the newly discovered galaxy rasbora, or know anywhere to get one which isnt online, bit sceptical about buying live stock online!?

Got me half a dozen the other day, they have settled in great and are eating well.I'm hoping to breed them.I just asked my lfs to get me them in although it took a few weeks.As for online, I can vouch for Trimar.
I haven't kept them, but a few people on this forum have.
You just have to keep looking and they might turn up.
Ask your local fish store if they can get some but first.... this.
Dont think anybody should buy these until the are captive breed. They are almost wiped out in the wild due to over catching!

They are being captive bred and by the size and body condition of mine I would think they might also be.I dont see it being long before a ban is put on importing them.
I'd love to get a nice school of them and breed them. Unfortunately, it might be some time before I can find and possibly afford enough to get a good breeding project going.

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