Galaxy Rasbora - Wierd Tail Fin, Help!


New Member
May 1, 2008
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
I posted this in the 'new to the hobby' forum. I've had no reply as of yet so thought maybe this forum was a better place for help:

I noticed today that one of my galaxy rasboras is not looking well. The tail fin looks as if its closed up and the fish looks a bit 'bent', if that makes sense. I've had fish in the tank for a week now, after completing a fishless cycle. Ammonia is 0, Nitrite 0, nitrate 5ppm.

Does anyone know whats up with my fish?
Should I take him out of the tank or can it be treated?
Picture isn't grat but is the best I could get. It shows a normal looking fish above



Unfortunately mate it looks like that you've got a deformed one, looks like theres nothing u can do i'm afriad, just make sure his home is great :)
Sadly once the tails bends like that they don't usually make it.
Is the spine bent.
It looks to me like just his tail is bent down.

He does swim around, not as activley as the others though.

Don't think it is a deformity as I'm pretty sure he was ok whan we got him a week ago.

The main thing I wan't to know is whether he is going to be any risk to the others? Should I leave him be or remove him?


I would remove him to be honest.
Is he struggling to swim.
I know the tail can bend if the fish is really bloated up.

Have you lost any fish to being really skinny or bent spines.
Check the anus of the fish to see if it's enlarged or red and inflamed.
What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet, does it look like long stringy white poo, or clear mucas poo.
Seen any worms prutruding from the anus.
I'm pretty sure he's recovered today, I didn't expect that.
Just fed them and I'm sure I can still count 7 and they all seem to be healthy and looking normal :)
He must have just had a cold or something!


Ok that good news then he been lucky.
Good luck.

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