Galaxy Rasbora Or Danio?


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
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Devon - UK
ok i keep getting confused as to what this fish actually is and also i have read somewhere -( but cant find it again) that it's becomming quite rare
is this true?
i was looking to get some to keep with my brigittes when they arrive

is this fish a rasbora or a danio ???

sorry for being blonde

Sarah xx
Hey Pippoodle,

I guess the fish is actually known under both names. When I first started looking for the fish I always referred to it as the Galaxy Rasbora...but I've seen it listed as Celestial Pearl Danio as well. Hope this helps.
scientifically it's classed as a danio.

Galaxy Rasbora was the name given by the hobby, before they was even described by science. They was sugested to be a Microrasbora.

How ever about a 18 months ago they was finally decided to be Celestichthys margaritatus which is basically under the danio genus.


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