Galaxy Rasbora Fry!


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
I was trimming my javamoss and spotted a tiny little fish swim past and on further inspection spotted another hiding in the floating plants.I tried catching them with a small lid but they dissapeared into my moss wall.I'm so excited!!!I'm not sure what to do next though as I have nowhere to keep fry.

Heres pics of one of the fry.


Heres their tank.


OMG ~T~ what a leged i have the upmost respect for you, how did you do it , how many fry did you get ow by the way well done m8 :good: very jealous :drool: :drool:

Thanks man :)

TBH I didnt do anything special as I was surprised to see them.I have only seen 2 fry so I would think the adults would have eaten the rest but the tanks heavily planted as you can see so there may be others hiding.I'm currently setting up a 5gal tank to put a pair into for spawning.Hopefully this will yield a ot more fry.

Heres my stats.

ph - 7.2-7.4
GH and KH very low (below 50ppm)
Temp 25°C

Tank is an 8gal planted nano with lots of java moss.Other tank imhabitants are shrimp, trumpet snails, ottos and dwarf corys.Contains 8 adult galaxy(well I didnt think they would sexually mature but they have proved me wrong).I feed the adults on microworms and flake.
Woah congrats! :hyper:
A guy from my work is trying to breed a pair of them, I'll let him know about this!
WOW! Tight!!!! and what are those tall bushy plants.. are they just javamoss?
Wow! Well done.
You are the first person I've seen breed them yet.
You would obviously get a lot more fry if you had them in a separate tank.The shrimps,snails & ottos will eat most of the eggs.Graham Ramsay from Fair City Aquarist Society in Perth has also bred them.
maybe put them in a net bredder or another tank. i would try to get them as soon as u see them. ur fish must be very happy. u could net them out.
Thanks for replaying in my galaxy breeding topic ~T~, how are the galaxy fry doing?

What's the set up of the tank you have bred the Galaxy's in?
Thanks for replaying in my galaxy breeding topic ~T~, how are the galaxy fry doing?

What's the set up of the tank you have bred the Galaxy's in?

No probs, nah the fry have dissapeared assumed eaten but I saw some spawning behavior tonight about 6 pm(when Simpsons was on lol).As the evening sun shone in the window 2 of them that im 99% sure were male and female were swimming round and round each other then kinda parallel and would swim together into the java moss.

My setup is below.

ph - 7.2-7.4
GH and KH very low (below 50ppm)
Temp 25°C

Tank is an 8gal planted nano with lots of java moss.Other tank imhabitants are shrimp, trumpet snails, ottos and dwarf corys.Contains 8 adult galaxy(well I didnt think they would sexually mature but they have proved me wrong).I feed the adults on microworms and flake.
I wish I could find some galaxies around me :(

Good job on the random spawnage ~T~! Good luck with the "real" attempt to breed these guys!

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