Hi there, Does anyone know if there's been any success breeding Galaxy Rasboras (or should i say pearl danios?) Having heard that they have been very heavily fished in the wild and are in very few numbers in their natural habitat, if i could get hold of a reasonable number they would be a great (if challenging) breeding project.
Without any species specific information, i would guess that they are egg scatterers, a spawning mop would probably be a suitable breeding site would you think?
To condition the parents feed heavily on brine shrimp, blood worm etc. Then do a cool water change to hopefully initiate spawning. Would you leave the whole group in the tank, or look for what might be a suitable pair from a group and focus on them. Does anyone know how to sex them, from what I have seen the males and females are very similar. I know where i could get two near me, but there's no guarantee that i would have a pair, even a pair that are compatible.
Fry i would start on liquifry, and progress onto baby brine shrimp or do you think something smaller to start like vinegar eels or microworms?
Without any species specific information, i would guess that they are egg scatterers, a spawning mop would probably be a suitable breeding site would you think?
To condition the parents feed heavily on brine shrimp, blood worm etc. Then do a cool water change to hopefully initiate spawning. Would you leave the whole group in the tank, or look for what might be a suitable pair from a group and focus on them. Does anyone know how to sex them, from what I have seen the males and females are very similar. I know where i could get two near me, but there's no guarantee that i would have a pair, even a pair that are compatible.
Fry i would start on liquifry, and progress onto baby brine shrimp or do you think something smaller to start like vinegar eels or microworms?