Gagged Water Onto Tank


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
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Not sure if this has happened to any of your guys before, but I was doing a water change and instead of dipping the plastic tube onto the water and filling it up, I decided to be quick about it and just suck up the water before swallowing it... Well, long story short...I swallowed the aquarium water and my immediately I gagged and threw up the water back onto the tank...

Yeah... :sick:

Anybody had that problem before?
Oh dear, are you alright?

Well, did any go into the tank, or just on the tank?

Eww that must've been nasty feeling. Without sounding too gross, did you throw up a lot of gunk or mostly just backwashed water? If it was pretty dirty you may want to do a water change of some sort just to be safe. It shouldn't be a big problem though.
some people have no class :lol:

and actually i used to do it everytime i did a waterchange, till i realised you could "jiggle" the syphon to start it.. i now have lovely fresh breath all the time :D
some people have no class :lol:

and actually i used to do it everytime i did a waterchange, till i realised you could "jiggle" the syphon to start it.. i now have lovely fresh breath all the time :D
What are you talking about? Tank water tastes heavily! Much better than a morning cup of tea :)
Not sure if this has happened to any of your guys before, but I was doing a water change and instead of dipping the plastic tube onto the water and filling it up, I decided to be quick about it and just suck up the water before swallowing it... Well, long story short...I swallowed the aquarium water and my immediately I gagged and threw up the water back onto the tank...

Yeah... :sick:

Anybody had that problem before?

yep did it one time with a saltwater bout disgusting lol thank goodness it was in my hospital tank and i was able to save the fish. :sick:
yep in a saalt water tank and it had ben stood for 2 weeks yuk i was sick alot
When you suck the hose to start it

-Always wrap your fingers around the lip of the tube so there's something between your lips and the plastic
-If the exit end of the tube is elevated above the surface of the tank water, the water won't squirt out until you drop it in the bucket.

But I only suction-start on tanks that are super small (I siphon with airline hosing on them). For the rest I jiggle. You should be able to look a tutorial up on youtube.
theres an even easier way to do it!

run the tap, put the tube underneath it [so that the fat end is where the water is coming out] let the water flow all the way through the tube until it is coming out the other end, put your finger over the end of the tube, take the tube to the tank, still keeping your finger over the end hold it over your bucket, lower the fat end in the tank let go of the other end

and hey presto =] no more sucking the syphon =]
theres an even easier way to do it!

run the tap, put the tube underneath it [so that the fat end is where the water is coming out] let the water flow all the way through the tube until it is coming out the other end, put your finger over the end of the tube, take the tube to the tank, still keeping your finger over the end hold it over your bucket, lower the fat end in the tank let go of the other end

and hey presto =] no more sucking the syphon =]

forgot to say great idea btw :good:

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