Fish Herder
Well I decided to get some new stuff for Gabriels tank as it wasnt looking it's best IMO! Thought I'd post before and after pics! Please tell me what you think? Oh ignore the juvie bettas they hopefully wont be in there much longer it's the only way I could keep them seperate and warm for now!
Sorry the tank looks dark, I only put the lights on on an evening to save on electricity and it shows the colours of the fish much better when they are in natural light!
Edit: Just realised that you can't quite see the new plants that I have added to his tanks on each side! Oh well you get the gist of it!


Sorry the tank looks dark, I only put the lights on on an evening to save on electricity and it shows the colours of the fish much better when they are in natural light!
Edit: Just realised that you can't quite see the new plants that I have added to his tanks on each side! Oh well you get the gist of it!