FW Moray Eel


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
Ok first off I would love to purchase one of these little gys, Fresh Water Moray Eel, but I have no idea how to care for them.

If some one could answer my questions I would appreciate it. :D

1. How big do they get?( I hered 2 feet, but then some one told me they can live in a 30gal. A 30gal is only about 3 ft long wouldn't he be kind of cramped?) -_-

2. What size tank do they need? (to live comforatably)

3. What are some foods they will accept?

4. Are they aggresive twards other fish. (hopefully no :-( )

5. What are the water conditions. (Preferabley salt content and Ph.)

6 Any other comments? 8)

7. I have also seen different pictures of FW moray eels, and some of them look really different then others. Are there different species? :huh:
1. How big do they get?( I hered 2 feet, but then some one told me they can live in a 30gal. A 30gal is only about 3 ft long wouldn't he be kind of cramped?)
They range from about 13" to about 2', depending on species.

2. What size tank do they need? (to live comforatably)
Depends on which species and how big they get, since they get to be at least a foot long, I would think at least a 55 gallon.

3. What are some foods they will accept?
Mostly live foods, cut up fish. Often times you will find they do not eat for weeks at a time. They are carnivores and should be fed meaty foods.

4. Are they aggresive twards other fish.
They will mostly hide. However they will eat any fish that is either small enough to appear to be a snack.

5. What are the water conditions. (Preferabley salt content and Ph.)
A couple can live in freshwater, but mostly these creatures are brackish to marine water residents. They will do much better in at minimum a brackish tank, some needing to move to full marine tanks as they reach adulthood.

6 Any other comments?
These are picky, delicate fish. They are picky eaters. They are really best for advanced fishkeepers (not that I am saying you aren't one). Again, they are best kept in at least brackish water, though can be kept in freshwater.

7. I have also seen different pictures of FW moray eels, and some of them look really different then others. Are there different species?
Yes, there are a bunch of species of moray eel.

No moray eel can be kept in freshwater for long periods of time, they need some salt in their water or they won't live long and they won't live happily
I had a fw moray eel once. It was almost 2' long. It liked to eat ghost shrimp or anything slow and stupid enough to park itself in front of him. Once they get large they need to be in brackish or salt water parameters. They only live in fw in the youth of their lives or to breed. Also they might sound exciting to get but they don't really do anything until the lights are off, not a very active creature to watch.
I have a 20" Gymnothorax tile moray eel in a 55g brackish tank (soon to be upgraded to a 80g). The SG of the water is kept at 1.010 and the pH is around 8.
G.tile gets its reputation as a fussy eater from people trying to keep them in freshwater or brackish tanks with a low SG, the more salt you add the bigger their appetite gets, ours will take up to 8 white bait or lance fish in a single feeding, it will also eat shrimp, both live and dead, mussels, cockles and pellets for carnivorous fish.
As said they are predators and can eat quite large fish, i would not keep any fish under 4" with a moray over 12" long.
i was at Big Al's Aquarium Services today and they just happened to be feeding the moray eel when i was there .. it was in a huge tank (1000 gallons) with a grouper (small), a nurse shark, a full sized puffer and a couple other fish ... it looked like the guy was feeding it some kind of shrimp (looked like shrimp you get from the grocery store but bigger) ... he was feeding it with a pair of plastic tongs .. if he didnt the other fish would scoop up the shrimp before it fell to it so he just held the shirmp in the tongs near it and it grabbed it
I'm guessint the tongs were more for the eels benefit than just preventing other fish from getting it first. Most morays prefer live food, so maybe the guy was "simulating" live food by wiggling it a bit. I have seen this done at one of my LFSs. Also, they may try to make a snack of your fingers. ;)

I would definately NOT want to get bitten by a saltwater moray eel. Seriously, I'ma certified scuba diver and I've encounted many of these guys. They have lots of pointy teeth. They look pretty dangerous! -_-

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