Fuzzy Looking Guppy


New Member
Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
Tank size: 240litres
pH: 6.9
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
gH:unknown though its west of scotland water, so about as soft as it comes.
tank temp: 25c

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
I have a single ale guppy out of about 15 guppies who i can only describe as being a bit fuzzy looking, all over. Noticed he was lethargic yesterday, resting on plant leafs, today he is same but fuzzy. it clear fuzz, not white. Hes a bold yellow colour with some gold and orang in his tail, and his colour hasn't faded at all.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
20% of water every week.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
no chemicals other than API stresscoat when doing the water changes, or API stressZyme when cleaning the filters
Filtered by a fluval 2plus internal and Fluval 305 external, with 1 compartment peat granules, 1 compartment fluval clearmax, middle 2 compartments each have 10 api bacti-stars topped off with fluval biomax rings, and top 2 compartments currently have a fluval polishing pad (only just added today)

Tank inhabitants:
guppies, peppered cory cats, blackskirt tetras, bristlenose plec, and flame tetras

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
6 flame tetras about 2 weeks ago.

Exposure to chemicals:
none in tank

The only change to the make-up of the water apart from adding 6 flame tetras is that i've not added any salt during my last 3 water changes. I have almost always added freshwater tonic salt at half the recommended freshwater dose on the box, with my corys, clown loaches etc never having a problem at that strength. I cant see that this would have much effect. Any clues or suggested treatments appreciated.
Fin rot, separate if possible,this is best, otherwise, and for the possibly separated stock the treatment is the same ;
massive water changes 75% x3 as perfect water is needed. a bit of broad antibiotic (not needed but helpful) if available.

Fin rot is due to either bad water parameters or injury, normally affects one fish. treat as stated,
a injury in less than perfect water is normally the culprit,
don't mistake normal vs perfect. i often miss the injured fish and loose em.

if you can get the fish cillin then go for it. other wise clean water. 3x weekly changes for the whole tank!!! for a week or 2.
Results no better than 75/25 with and 70/30 without and water care.
Either way its up to you if your aware and act you have a 90% survival!!!
if not, I'm so sorry.

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