I got my fuzzy lops home today! The really bad part is that the person who took care of them for a while bred my pair! I am leaving in July and she bred them when we where going to breed them in August.
Isn't it like illegal to own too many animals... I think there are some laws on like owning too many animals, but not so sure.
I'm pretty sure she'd have to have a lot of time, space, and money to keep more than 300 rabbits
I couldn't imagine wanting/having that many of an animal...you couldn't possibly have enough time to make sure they all got proper socialization. That's not fair to them
No she use to be a huge rabbitry! She had a huge property and now she is a smaller breeder like me. But now she breeds lops she just cut back on a lot of rabbits. She also breeds meet pens. We rescued Leesa who is now a boy. We found that out like 2 days ago We have to get him fixed because he lives in the house and we are afraid he will spray everywhere. I am not getting my rabbits fixed because I own a rabbitry I breed, show, and raise rabbits. I have a shed, site, and tons of cages which I most likely do not need half of them! Sorry if I sound SoCalMom but I will not get my rabbits fixed.