Help! I spent a good amount of time staring into my tank this morning (29g with 3 small angels, 4 cory, apple snails, and red ramshorns) when I saw that one of the green cories had white surrounding it's dorsal fin. Then, as it turned, I noticed a fuzzy patch on it's lower left gill. I tried to take photos, but the "stuff" was hard to see.
Fuzz on the cheek
White line around dorsal fin
I've only had all of these fish for 2 weeks, the snails a little longer. None of the other fish are showing any signs of infection. It is a fungus? I have some Liquid Fungus Cure by Aquarium Pharmacuticals, but it says it treats Mouth and Eye fungus as well as tail rot. Will this medication or disease hurt my snails? I have never seen anything quite like this. Please Help! If I get any better pictures, I will post them. Thanks!
Fuzz on the cheek
White line around dorsal fin
I've only had all of these fish for 2 weeks, the snails a little longer. None of the other fish are showing any signs of infection. It is a fungus? I have some Liquid Fungus Cure by Aquarium Pharmacuticals, but it says it treats Mouth and Eye fungus as well as tail rot. Will this medication or disease hurt my snails? I have never seen anything quite like this. Please Help! If I get any better pictures, I will post them. Thanks!