Fuval 303 on a 78 gallon


New Member
Nov 10, 2003
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Southern California
Ok I am new to salt water and its expencive so i had to come up with what i could for free or real cheap. I came accross a 78 gallon accrilic hex i chose it becuse it will look realy look cool. I Have about 70 lb of Live rock Marshel and fiji island rock. And i also got live sand. I have 2 blower things i got rio's that swerl the water around. I got a free prizum skimmer i found the manual online and it works gerate. I still dont have fish its been about 1 month. The 303 filter i got for free ius skaring me all io read about it is that fuvals arnt all that good pluse this filter is a 80 gallon filter i think and hex tanks i hear need more filtration. Will i be ok evean if i am planing on live coral?
i am not a salt expert, but if you have a protein skimmer, you dont really have a drastic need for a cannister filter. that is what i hear. the filte will add to the water polishing and provide a little more current. i think you will be fine. it is easy to over-do a tank system. pay close attention to your levels and i think you will be fine. the skimmer will remove a lot so will your live corals and sand sifters / crabs / snails. make sure to get a good cleanup crew. since your tank is a hex with a smaller footprint than standard tanks, you should be able to get by with a 55 gallon cleanup crew.

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