Future Stocking!

Bob marley

New Member
Jul 21, 2009
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hi havent been on for a while but ive got my 4 foot fish tank stocked already with an Oscar Jack dempsey and a texas there all swimming around fine i can hand feed them all without them biting my finger : ) my jd is about 6 cm Oscar is bout 4 cm and texas is bout 3 or 2 cm and ive got 2 silver sharks bout 15 cm each. :drool: . and i was just wondering im thinking of gettinhg a 7 footer fish tank in the next couple of months its 7x4x3 :drool: . just wondering wat else i could stock when i get it? please dont eant sevs or convicts there to much trouble... and any idea on any feeder fish for wen they get a bit bigger??? thanks
Those fish are not really compatible. THe texas is very agressive, along with the Jack Dempsey. The oscar, on the other hand, is a fairly placid cichlid. You should rehome the Jack Depmsey and texas while they are still young, or you will have many troubles with rehoming them. You could keep a jack depmsey, or even a texas, in a 7 footer, but dithers would be limited because they are so agressive. What is wrng with Severums? I think that they are a beauty. I don't know how they would get along with the oscar, as I have no expirence, and never read anything about them. I know oscars and angels are not a good idea. I wouldn't house convicts with much either, as they breed OFTEN, and are super agressive during breeding. I hope some one elese can find this thread and help you more than I just did. Oh, and If it was my 7 footer, I would either do some severums, or and Mbuna tank. But with these two options, you would have to rehome the oscar. Good luck.
In a 7x4x3 you have a very good chance that the three cichlids will cohabit with little problem, and i would personally start by adding another 3-4 Bala sharks which will look breathtaking once they all get bigger.

Other Dithers could include Tinfoils or Silver Dollars, although again both are shoaling species so would benefit from being kept in a group.
Others could include a Prochilodus, Large Bichirs, a Tigrinus or Lima Shovelnose Catfish, a large group of Hoplos or synodontis, one or two big plecos etc..

As for feeders your current fish do not require them or would not even benefit from them, due to better options available

with a tank like that the options are pretty much endless.
In a 7x4x3 you have a very good chance that the three cichlids will cohabit with little problem, and i would personally start by adding another 3-4 Bala sharks which will look breathtaking once they all get bigger.

Other Dithers could include Tinfoils or Silver Dollars, although again both are shoaling species so would benefit from being kept in a group.
Others could include a Prochilodus, Large Bichirs, a Tigrinus or Lima Shovelnose Catfish, a large group of Hoplos or synodontis, one or two big plecos etc..

As for feeders your current fish do not require them or would not even benefit from them, due to better options available

with a tank like that the options are pretty much endless.

Texas cichlids are usually kept by themselves after they reach maturity as they get super agressive. This is not based on expirence, but what I have read over and over again on the internet.
Texas cichlids are usually kept by themselves after they reach maturity as they get super agressive. This is not based on expirence, but what I have read over and over again on the internet.

No offence Betta Boy but yes seemingly you have no experience with any of these cichlids as from what i've seen every post of yours in the cichlid thread has been one dimensional.

Yes in your average 75-100G there would be little chance of success mixing these three cichlids, however this isn't your average tank and with a footprint of 7foot by 4foot there is more than enough room for these three to cohabit successfully,

You could keep a jack depmsey, or even a texas, in a 7 footer, but dithers would be limited because they are so agressive.

That statement is truly false, with your average JD or Tex in this size tank, you could go for even smaller Dithers like Giant Danios or Rainbows, Even the most aggressive Texas is going to quickly going to give up trying to catch a quick agile fish like a Giant Danio that poses no threat to the texas.

I wouldn't house convicts with much either, as they breed OFTEN, and are super agressive during breeding.

Again your not taking into consideration the circumstances, in a 7x4 I would be happy to add a tex, JD, O and even a couple pairs of Convicts with Dithers, Obviously along with a big group of hardy catfish like striped raphaels which would help in keep down the number of fry,

I have in the past kept a breeding pair of convicts in a 240L with a number of other fish including large tetras, swordtails, kribensis and a blue acara, with no casualties,
All it takes is a little common sense with regards to the layout of the tank and stocking

Mbuna tank

And Lastly if they want Mbuna i don't think they would be keeping New Worlds
thankyou for all your replies : )

ill try and get some photos up of my fish when i can find a camera or a phone.

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