Fussy betta or what


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2002
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Hi Folks,

Just thought i'd share a observation with yourselves. Yesterday after conditioning my male and felmale Bettas for about 8 weeks, i'd thought i would attempt to breed them again :D (this time i want to try and get more than 3 fry ;) )

Well i put the male into the tank ready, after a while in went the particular female i wanted to breed him with. Well nothing happened at all, the male was just not interested, after a day of the male showing no signs of building a nest i took the female out. Well when i put another female in (the one that was used last time) the male instantley started to build his nest. :but: Was the last female just plain ugly or is there another reason why the male just didn't want to know.

P.s I'll let you know how this lot of eggs/fry get on.

Gaza T :grin:
When conditioning them I find you'll notice when they're both ready but It's not usualy as long as 8 weeks. maybe he thought I've been doing all this hard work and now i'm fed up so sod it I'd rather go for a drink with the boys. Could be the same for her :laugh:
It's happened to me quite a few times with the bettas though. Just when you think they'll spawn, the spark dies and nothing happens or the male attacks the female.
Try introducing the male into the females territory(ie put the female in first). the female will be more comforatble and spawn more readily.
A lot of breeders let the female swim free in the tank and have the mail confined then when ready let the male loose to do his thang ;)
adeyc said:
A lot of breeders  let the female swim free in the tank and have the mail confined then when ready let the male loose to do his thang ;)
Wow! I never knew fish could get mail ? Guess that is why it is called.... snail mail huh :) And that thang that the males do wow you should see it! absolutely awesome what the male with his thang and the female with a thong you have an unstoppable thing :)
What can I say. the male is first class. :laugh:
You got me :p
Hi Guys,

Hey after a few beers all the girls look like Beauty Queens ;)

Never thought about introducing the male to the female though. When would the male or is it mail start to make his nest.

When i say conditioning my fish for eight weeks, what i really mean is that i have been feeding them and all the other fish live food. :p i feed them live every week anyway :laugh:

Gaza T
Try this. Put the fish in two tanks the female in the breeding tank. or you can isolate the male in the same tank. let them be able to see each other, they'll go through all the rigmarole then usualy about 2 weeks later you release the male he should go and build a bubble nest, the rest is obvious. When all is done remove the female to a quarantine tank to recover.
Give it a go and see what your results are like. :)
Hi Adeyc,

Thanks for the advice, i'll give it a go. The male at the moment doesn't seem interested, he just keeps atacking the female.

I will have a go and let you know how i get on.

Gaza T

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