So over the past couple weeks I have acquired some juvie fuscas and unimaculatas from two different LFSs in the area (4.99 each!) soooo... I bought up a bunch
(7 fuscas and 9 unis!) the unis have to be about a month.. month and a half old or so.. not so sure on the fuscas but they are quite young also... BUT I'll stop rambling on and get to the pics!!
They LOVE the heater, always all together over by the heater, it's quite funny.
Annnd here are the Unimaculatas AKA the Unis!
They're quite funny, all hanging out together, and boy do they LOVE to eat. hungry buggers.


They LOVE the heater, always all together over by the heater, it's quite funny.
Annnd here are the Unimaculatas AKA the Unis!

They're quite funny, all hanging out together, and boy do they LOVE to eat. hungry buggers.